Monday, June 8, 2009

what a Monday

There are some days you expect to be hard and they aren't and other times you get blindsided by a simple thing like looking at Father's Day cards...
let me explain... today is my dads 68th birthday and it would have been Teddy's 70 something birthday. I always tried to get my 'dad's' together even for a moment just to enjoy the moment of watching two incredible men interact! So I expected today to be hard but it wasn't. I am profoundly grateful that I still have my dad and I'm profoundly sad that Rosanne's dad isn't with her anymore but today was good. Rose and I had tea and I gave Mama D a yellow rose bush... all good.
Now Sat whilst in Regina, I started looking at Father's Day Cards and almost ended up in a puddle on the floor remembering what a special relationship Rose had with her dad and how much she misses him... crazy
Oh and Bobby started his new job today! nothing to say about it yet but he seems happy at the end of the day. He preached a great sermon yesterday... I wish Dad had been able to be there but he was working and I'm pretty sure our 'other' dad was whispering in his ear! Teddy would have been proud...
Off to eat a yummy supper in my messy house.... must do something about the second part...

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I have decided I hate weeds but pulling weeds has become a very important part of my day. I appreciate the beauty that is highlighted when I pull the weeds from around my flowers. What was pretty becomes quite stunning when you remove the distractions around it.
Again a good metaphor for our Christian walk. When we remove the distractions of life, God make us truly stunning. Something for me to think about today... maybe you too.
In other thought processes, my niece is graduating from high school in two weeks, doesn't make me feel old exactly but I am realizing the passage of time. It seems like only yesterday I was a 16 year old kid completely in love with this lil baby that changed our family simply by being there. she was the center of my world for awhile and truth be told, I still love her an awful lot. She's pretty amazing, lip ring and all...
Remember a while back I was talking ( ok rambling) about God's promises being delayed like spring has been? Well Spring is HERE and life has taken a good turn. Bobby has taken a new job that is exactly what he has been praying and maybe even longing for. We are so blessed. God even made sure there was somebody in place to take his old job as not to leave his boss in a bind. Love it when God is in the details ;-)
guess I'm done rambling for the moment... enjoy the sunshine if you have it!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

You know I just realized how many of my blogs start with the word So....
So anyway, Bobby started a new job on Monday, so far so good.
Hmm thought I felt like updating but I really don't.
Fast forward version... Anna is 13 now! had a great party and now begins the lfe of a teenager
Having major plumbing issues and leaks around the house... ick
I'll come back later, maybe ;-)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

So it's like 4 am, been awake for awhile now. I'm sick with a cold... sneezing, headache, sniffles. Just seemed easier to get up :)
Bobby got laid off a few weeks ago, did I mention that? Still no job in sight. And yesterday I los my babysitting job so yeah... not sure what happens now. We depend on God. Wat comforth there should be in that statement and to some extent there is but in the midst of this I have to wonder how He will show up? I know He will but will I recognise it ? Will I see Him in the midst of the crashing waves? or will I think he's just a ghost?
God give me eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart to obey...
Be glorified!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Baby boy and other news

So Joelle had a baby boy. I so cannot wait to meet the lil guy. I suppose I don't have much choice however... Still I'm glad to know he arrived safe and sound into the arms of two such amazing people.
I'm feeling much better about life in general today... enjoying the quietness of a Saturday. You can smell spring today, maybe it will arrive soon. If nothing else at least the sun feels warm again.
Nothing on the job front yet. I think Bobby will take his time and try to find something that will really suit him. We don't need to rush into anything just yet. Really wish people could understand that... oh well.
Bobby gets to 'preach' next Sunday I'm looking forward to hearing where God leads him with it. It will be Palm Sunday which is one of my favorite Sunday actually. It makes me sad that most churches let it go by mostly unnoticed. For me the observance of the beginning of Easter week is key. To really know that Jesus knew what was coming and STILL chose to enter Jerusalem... still chose the cross.... just wow...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

So It's March, there is still snow on the ground, not even dirty melting snow.... nope fresh white stuff. Have to say it's kinda gross. I remember last fall planting all those spring bulbs so excited for what spring would bring my way, the colors that would display the glory of God's creation and imagination, right in my front yard. And here we are at the end of march and not a bloom or a sprout to be seen. Spring has been delayed.
Somehow that seems an interesting metaphor for my life right now. Spring has been delayed. We thought we were on a pretty good course, new home, new church, new job and somehow it's all just sort of new troubles... sigh.
I probably shouldn't blog at 10:30 at night.... I'm a bit blue but I guess I have to process somehow ;-)
So here it is: the house is wonderful if needing more renos than we can afford. I am blessed to have a home that meets my needs and the needs of my family. It's a cozy lil nest all in all. New roof is going to cost 12 grand... a nest would be cheaper but a tad crowded. (no room for a pool table, would never work!) Ok that bit of blue has turned silver...
Church is well church... not even going to go there. God will continue to work in my heart and heal the wounds...
Bobby lost his job yesterday, not sure what else to say about that. God will sustain and provide. I have full and complete confidence in my King. I will choose to be thankful everyday and when I do feel blue I will remember His promises. They may be like the flower bulbs buried under the snow, waiting for the right moment to burst forth but they are there. Spring WILL come. And I will be all the more grateful when it does :-)
I'm going to go climb into my comfy bed with the love of my life now. Resting in the arms of the man who loves me shall chase away any remaining blues... we will rest together in the palm of the ONE who holds us and carries us through every trial and joy...
[Hmmm maybe joelle will have a baby tonight... that would sure chase away the blues too ;-)]