Sunday, August 19, 2007

Football game!

Wow, how much fun did we have last night! Good friends of our gave us tickets to the Rider game last night, 50 yard line, right down in front (or is that behind) of the team. It was a gift that was to help us be refreshed after all the stress of moving and renos... It was refreshing all right but maybe not the way it was intended! We knew there was a severe t-shower warning but figured it would hold off until after the game...Wrong! It rained and rained... Less than 3 minutes into the final quarter the game was called to a standstill by the severe weather. Those of us not seated in under the overhangs made our way inside to be crowded in where it was dry (but certainly not warm!) 55 minutes later the game resumed. A sold out crowd had dwindled to a crowd of 16000+ die hard fans. No one sat and everyone cheered, even when the rain began again. It was energy like I had never experienced before. Crazy and wild, cold and wet fans all there for the love of the game... so very cool. The Riders themselves were energized by it and played like it... The highlights for me were little things... seeing GM Eric Tillman out in the rain, waving the rider flag, cheering his team on to victory, a soaking wet gopher still giving %110 when his team scored, even though the fire works were dead. A soaked to the bone vendor who was cheerful enough to sell warm burgers for a $1 during the power outage and come back and ask you how they were. And when it was all said and done and the Riders had won, as we were leaving our seats, soaked and chilled to the bone, we looked back and saw Riders and Eskimos alike on taking a knee in center field in the poring rain to Thank God for a game well played and no serious injuries. The rain may not have been the weather of choice but it will leave me with memories that otherwise I never would have had. It was an amazing night...

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

odds and ends

Why is it that I always wake up super early the days I know I have to be awake the longest!! Hate stress... must learn to cope better...
So I left children's ministry at church, well at least took a hiatus. Sucks royally but I just am not cut out for morning ministry and that's all that our church is offering right now. I hope it succeeds but it's just not the right fit for me. I stuck on worship team though.
So things were a bit muddy in my last post. All the stuff Bobby and I are going through have very little to do with the lack of his involvement in youth ministry though that does still have us feeling a bit bitter, I won't lie but it was a convenient truth not the whole truth.
It just feels like our church as a whole is cutting us out. As I was saying to a friend, not long ago, our perceptions are real but that doesn't make them true, so I can't say for a fact that our being 'cut out' is a truth but it is my perception. We don't feel very important or needed right now. So why did I cut myself off from my main ministry passion? Seems strange I know but the fact is the way children's ministry is being run now just doesn't fit me. I could be a warm body filling a time slot but that's just not how I think ministry should operate, you know?
As for Bobby well that's his story to tell but I know he is hurting and that is so hard to watch. God will bring us through and we'll be better and stronger for this struggle. That's one perception I know is true!
In other news, I am back to full time babysitting, for the most part I am enjoying it. Makes the days go by anyway. My basement isn't finished yet so it's not what I had envisioned just yet but it is getting there.
The kids are in VBS this week and really enjoying it. It's a grand week!
Have a good one!

Sunday, August 5, 2007

love summer...hate summer

So it's August and I'm still living surrounded by boxes... sigh. I've spent so much cash on baskets and storage bins in these last few days, now I just need to put them to good use. Think Mom and I are going to paint the hallways tomorrow. That is the last of the major jobs... upstairs anyway. Downstairs is a whole 'nother ballgame and I start babysitting in less than two weeks! It will all get done I'm sure.
Anyway we are having a huge get together in threeish weeks to say thanks to everyone who came and helped us move. Should be good motivation to get done the unpacking...
Summer this year has been such a mix of good and bad, I'll be glad to see it over and get life back to an even keel though I'm not sure what that will even look like. there could be very big change in the air for us as a family as we consider changing church families. That's always such a hard thing to do, especially when you don't really want to leave but feel like you have to in order to do what God has called you to do. We both want to minister in ways that we just can't seem to at right now... is changing churches the answer or do we wait it out and see what God has in store at this church?? God is seemingly being quiet on this one. For now, I think we wait it out and see how the fall goes.
What I know is this, if my husband does not find a fit in ministry, he is going to continue to die by inches inside. We were all made to serve and when you can't, part of you dies. It is so hard to watch that happen in the one I love especially when I know how good he is at youth ministry.
Well if any of my pastor's read this I guess I'll have some explaining to do but maybe that's what needs to happen. Wounds can't heal if they are left to fester, now can they...