Sunday, September 30, 2007

Who knew?

Who knew that this blog would not only chronicle my search for a new house but a new church as well? God did.
Anyway, this morning, my daughters and I are heading to the Church of Christ. I won't lie, it feels strange not going to EAC but I'm excited too. I can't wait to see what God has in store for this new chapter in life!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

biggest fears

You know how all your life you're afraid of one thing that just might happen? Ok maybe you don't worry about it but I do. All my grown up life I've been afraid that my big mouth will get me in more trouble than I can get out of. I've been afraid of saying or doing the wrong thing to the wrong person and boom... I'm a bad person, my good reputation replaced with a bad one. Well I think I may have finally done it.
I had a meeting with a babysitting client, one final home visit before I began to babysit. Up to this point all is going great and we're set to go. I said some stupid thing that put me in a really bad light. It was meant as a joke, to help this mom relax about something and well it backfired in a big way.
Not only did she decide not to bring her son to my day home, she informed the parents of another boy I watch that I was an unsafe care giver.
'Crap' is what goes through my mind. quickly followed by 'wow did I screw up.' I can't believe that one bad 45 min home visit could destroy my reputation of 15 years as a good care giver, a trustworthy caregiver.
I can only believe my friends will paint a truer picture of me if they are confronted by the gossip.
I can only pray the parents that I presently babysit for will believe in me not someone else's perception of me.
And me? I guess I get to learn what happens when you are faced with your greatest fear... tough lesson to learn...