Saturday, July 14, 2007

Saying Good-bye

When you say good-bye to a person, there's a reasonable expectation of grief, loss, sadness and tears. Saying good-bye to a home, I've realized brings out all of those emotions as well and then some...
Our trailer went to it's new owner today and somehow I can't help feeling like I've lost a member of my family. I've lived there for ten whole years which is about 8 years longer than I've ever lived anywhere else. I went to that home as a young bride with an infant daughter, I left a mother of three who finally has a pretty good handle on who she is as a person. I watched all my babies take their first steps in that place. So many memories and traditions were created there, so many friendships made. It's hard to say good-bye even though I know we've out grown the space. It's time for change I know but I need to grieve the home that watched me grow up as well.
I'd like to think I'm leaving one home for another as a smarter wiser woman and yet in some ways I know I'm stupider than ever ;-) I still have my hang-ups and I still get disillusioned too easily. I still forget that I'm a grown up sometimes. But I've learned that I can change and adapt to changes in others. I've learned that friendship is a two way street and I don't have to walk that road alone. I've learned that motherhood is the greatest challenge and blessing there is on this earth. I've learned that being a good wife is an amazing gift not only to my husband but to myself. I've found my place and no matter what walls shelter me, I know who I am.
I thank God for the past decade with all it's struggles, life and death moments, laughs, tears, storms and rainbows. I thank God for every opportunity that came my way, the ones I took and the ones I didn't.
I'm thankful for a new chapter in my life. I can't wait to see what God does in this home, the lives He will touch, the joys he will bring, the opportunities to grow through stuggles. Bring on the storms and the rainbows... life awaits...

Sunday, July 8, 2007

by Gail Rodgers
In our area the housing market has gone sky high. Everywhere people are talking about it. Some are relieved they bought before the climb started. Others are discouraged that they will not be able to move to a bigger house as their family grows. Some wonder if they will ever own their own home. A lot of emotion surrounds the issue of "your house".Where do you live? Is it an apartment, a cabin, a crowded area of the city, in the country, in a new home, an old home, a home in disarray with remodeling or repair?As we discussed this issue of housing my dear husband offered one of his wise insights. He said, "A house is just the box that HOME is in."How true. The walls that contain your home, the location of it, whether it's an apartment, a new home or even an unconventional home in a garage all pale in importance to what your HOME is like on the inside.I don't mean what dcor you have or if it's messy or clean. No, I mean what you have created within those walls. Regardless of the look and location of where you live, what atmosphere meets those who enter?Is your home a refuge from the world for your loved ones? Is it a place where they can come when the world is harsh and they know they will find loving arms, even when they make mistakes?We are not the sole contributors to the atmosphere in our homes. Those we share it with share that responsibility as well. Yet what we contribute does make a difference. If you are feeling disgruntled with the place you live in, choose to change your attitude today, invite God to help you do one thing today to make it a pleasing place to come to. It may simply be putting a smile on your face and warmth in your voice as others enter.Remember that the outward walls are simply the box that houses the heart of your home. "By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures" (Proverbs 24: 2 - 4 ).~Lord, however humble or grand my home may be, help me to make it a place of peace for those who enter. In Jesus' name, amen.Questions to ponder: What is the atmosphere like in your "home"; is it a place of refuge? What is one thing you could do to make your HOME more of a place of welcome/peace even when mistakes have been made?About the AuthorThis devotional was written by Gail Rodgers. Learn more about Gail: