Wednesday, January 23, 2008

why am I not surprised

Hollywood rarely takes me by surprise these days. The news of Heath Ledger's death saddened me greatly as he is a fine actor and seemed to be a pretty decent human being. What I wish surprised me was the callous and depraved way that the media is handling this news. Do we really need web video of the man's body being taken by the coroner? I mean really, are we as a people that callous? I guess the answer is yes we are.
I cannot help but wonder how much lower our society can go? I wish it surprised me but somehow it just doesn't. It does make me very sad. I pray that I can rise above it and not be sucked into the black hole that seems to be swallowing us whole. No more Brittany watch for me, no more ET. It's time to focus on other things and try to make a difference in this world while we still have a chance...

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Come and gone

So 2007 has left us and we're already well into 2008! Life has been full of changes this past year. I don't think I coped very well... But it feels as though the veil has lifted and I can once again breathe deeply and look forward to tomorrow. Praise God for that!
So in 2007, we bought a new house, we left our church, friendships changed, some grew, some died, but none stayed the same. I cannot think of one thing in my life that is the same today as it was only one year ago. God is the same but our relationship is different...
What will 2008 bring? My babies will turn 8, 10 and 12! Bobby and I will celebrate 14 years of marriage. My parents will go away for two months! We'll travel to at least two family weddings. Anna will compete in her first Synchro competition. While there are no major plans in the works, I can guarantee it will be a busy year full of, if nothing else.... change.